Seok-Woo receives MSE Teaching Excellence of the year!
This award recognizes outstanding teaching according to undergraduate MSE student surveys.
Keith’s recent publication in Nano Letters is featured at Brookhaven National Laboratory News.
Also, this work is featured at Brookhaven National Laboratory Main Webpage! (on 12/12/2017) (See below).
Gyuho received the 2018 GE fellowship for his work on superelastic superconductor CaKFe4As4!!! The second GE fellowship after Keith’s one!
Many congratulations!!!
All of our group members attended 2017 MRS Meeting at Boston. The list of presentation is the following.
Keith Dusoe: “Micromechanical characterization of novel ThCr2Si2-type intermetallic compounds – Fundamental Understanding of Superelasticity by Experiments and Computer Simulations” (poster presentation)
John Sypek: “Superelasticity and micaceous plasticity of the novel intermetallic compound CaFe2As2 at small length scales” (Gold Medal of 2017 MRS GSA) (oral presentation)
Gyuho Song: “Molecular dynamics study on temperature-dependent screw dislocation behavior in bcc metal nano-pillars” (poster presentation)
Tyler Flanagan: “Strength limit of solid-state dewetted gold microparticles and controlling their strength via modification in microstructure and surface structure” (oral presentation)
Keara Frawley: “A nanoindentation study of deformation and fracture behaviors of superelastic intermetallic compound CaFe2As2” (poster presentation)
Jessica Maita: Jessica just joined our group! I hope she gave a presentation of her amorphous boron work in 2018 Gordon Research Conference!
John Sypek received the Gold Medal in 2017 MRS Graduate Student Award Competition!
Many Congratulations! This is one of the highest honor for PhD student in the field of Materials Science and Engineering!
“MRS Graduate Student Awards are intended to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current materials research display a high level of excellence and distinction. MRS seeks to recognize students of exceptional ability who show promise for significant future achievement in materials research.”
John’s award winning is also available in the 2017 MRS Fall Meeting News [link].
John’s award recipient is also highlighted at UConn Innovation News.
The detailed information about this award is available here.
Seok-Woo gave a presentation at Sigma Xi Monie A. Ferst award symposium on 11/16/2017 in honor of William D. Nix, who was his PhD advisor.
About Monie A. Ferst Award
The award is given annually to an educator in engineering or science who has made “notable contributions to the motivation and encouragement of research through education.” Its purpose is to “recognize significant contributions to scientific research by an educator in engineering or science.”
More information is available here.
Prof. William D. Nix (left)
Amanda and Hetal’s undergraduate research at our laboratory is highlighted at the MSE webpage!
I am very proud of their excellent contributions!
John’s Nature Communications paper is featured at UConn Today and Ames Laboratory News! Please see below!
UConn Today
Ames Laboratory News
Keith passed his PhD proposal defense successfully! Many Congratulations!!!