Group Gallery 2022

<TMS Meeting @ Anaheim, Feb. 28 ~ Mar.3, 2022>


<Farewell Party for Jessica @ The Spot, Tolland, CT, May 6, 2022 >


<Graduation Ceremony @ Jorgenson Center for the Performing Arts, May 9, 2022>


<Dr. Flanagan’s visit! @ UConn, May 12, 2022>


<CSAT 2022 @ Worcester, MA, June 21-22, 2022>


<Prof. William Nix’s house  @ Sunnyvale, CA, July 10, 2022>

(Prof. Nix, Mrs. Nix, Claire, Seok-Woo)


<the Solid State Studies in Ceramics GRC  @ Mount Holyoke University, MA, August 7-12, 2022>

(Prof. Bryan Huey, Karla, Seok-Woo, Zhongyuan, Luis)


<Kyle’s MS defense and farewell lunch, Sep. 2 and Sep. 8, 2022>


<Zhongyuan’s PhD proposal defense, Sep. 19, 2022>