Month: December 2020

Shuyang gave an oral presentation at the (virtual) MRS Fall 2020!

Shuyang gave an oral presentation at the (virtual) MRS Fall 2020! The title of his presentation was “Giant Compressive Superelastic Deformation of a [001]-Oriented SrNi2P2 Micropillar via Double Lattice Collapse and Expansion”. This presentation discussed his discovery of extremely large superelastic deformation, ~18%, in SrNi2P2. This exceptionally large elastic strain is produced by lattice collapse and expansion in 1x3x1 and 1x1x1 structures which co-exist. Great Job, Shuyang!

Seok-Woo receives IMMP award from UConn IMS!

Seok-Woo receives the Interdisciplinary Multi-Investigator Materials Proposal (IMMP, $20,000) award from the Institute of Materials Science, UConn.

The award will support his research project entitled “Cryogenic Nano-Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Measurement for Strain Engineering Study on Advanced Functional and Quantum materials”. In this project, Seok-Woo’s research group is going to measure the electrical and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductors under elastic deformation and to control their superconducting critical temperature as a function of strain. This innovation will be realized by merging two entirely different fields of science: nanomechanics and superconductivity. This project will be conducted with Dr. Ilya Sochnikov in Department of Physics.