
Shuyang participated in UConn SoE poster presentation (3/11/2020)!

Shuyang participated in UConn SoE poster presentation on 03/11/2020. The presentation title was “Mechanical behavior of uniaxial compression of SrNi2P2“.

This work discussed his recent experimental results on the ultrahigh superplastic strain and fatigue resistance in SrNi2P2 intermetallic compounds. SrNi2P2 shows 18% of elastic strain and survives over 10,000 cycles of superelastic deformation! Double lattice collapse is the main mechanism of superplasticity. This is certainly a new discovery!

Lee group attended 2020 TMS meeting at San Diego! (2/23-2/27/2020)!

Lee group attended 2020 TMS meeting at San Diego (Feb. 23-27)!

Five presentations was given in 2020 TMS meeting.

  • Gyuho Song: Ductile-to-brittle transition of micron-sized niobium at cryogenic temperatures (Symposium: Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale V, 8:30am, 2/26 (Wed.))
  • Tyler Flanagan (1): The effects of defects on the mechanical properties of Au microparticles (Symposium: Advanced Characterization Techniques for Quantifying and Modeling Deformation, 11:30am, 2/27 (Thurs.))
  • Tyler Flanagan (2): The effects of supersonic impacts on the micromechanical properties of Al6061 cold spray deposits (Symposium: Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale V, 2pm, 2/25 (Tue.))
  • Jessica Maita: Role of grain boundaries in plasticity and fracture of nanocrystalline MgAl₂O₄ (Symposium: Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale V, 10:20am, (Mon.))
  • Shuyang Xiao: Effects of microstructures on superelasticity of CaFe2As2 single crystal (Symposium: Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale V, 4pm, 2/26 (Wed.))

Lee receives a Castleman Term Professorship In Engineering Innovation!

Seok-Woo is selected as a Castleman Term Professor in Engineering Innovation.  This award was established to recognize outstanding faculty members who embody exceptional achievements and the deep commitment to research, education and outreach. The appointment for the Castleman Term Professorship will start on January 1, 2020 and will continue for three years (or until promoted to Full Professor).

Five presentations at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting!!!

The following presentations were given by Lee’s group at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting! Wonderful Jobs!

Jessica was nominated for the best poster award! (Almost there!)

  • Seok-Woo Lee: In-situ micromechanical characterization of iron-based high temperature superconductors (oral) (Session: MQ03.05 (Predictive Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Emerging Quantum Materials)
  • Gyuho Song: Ductile-to-brittle transition of micron-sized niobium at cryogenic temperatures (oral) (MS01.07 (Extreme Mechanics)
  • Tyler Flanagan: Shock-induced softening in single crystal magnesium (oral) (MS01.07 (Extreme Mechanics)
  • Jessica Maita: Role of grain boundaries in plasticity and fracture of nanocrystalline MgAl₂O₄ (poster)(Session: MQ03.06 (Mechanics of Nanocomposite and Hybrid Materials)
  • Shuyang Xiao: Effects of microstructures on superelasticity of CaFe2As2 single crystal (Session: MS01.10 (Extreme Mechanics)