Author: Lee, Seok-Woo

Gyuho’s CaKFe4As4 paper was published at APL Materials!

Gyuho’s CaKFe4As4 paper is published at Applied Physics Letters (APL) Materials. Many Congratulations!

Gyuho Song, Vladislav Borisov, William R. Meier, Mingyu Xu, Keith J. Dusoe, John T. Sypek, Roser Valenti, Paul C. Canfield, Seok-Woo Lee*, “Ultrahigh elastically compressible and strain-engineerable intermetallic compounds under uni-axial mechanical loading,” APL Materials, 7, 061104 (2019) [PDF] [web]

This paper reports the possibility of superconductivity shut-down under uniaxial compression at the micrometer scale. I love this paper!


Gyuho’s BCC study was published at Computational Materials Science!

Gyuho’s paper is published at Computational Materials Science. Many Congrats!

Gyuho Song, Seok-Woo Lee, “Effect of temperature on surface-controlled dislocation multiplication in body-centered-cubic metal micropillars,” – Computational Materials Science, 168, 172-179 (2019) [PDF] [web

This is the first computation paper from my group. Also, this is the first paper done solely by my group. I am very proud of this work. Great job, Gyuho!


Seok-Woo’s Capstone Design Team won the 2nd place!

Seok-Woo’s Capstone Design Team won the 2nd place in MSE Capstone Presentation!

The team members are Beril Tonyali, Avery Gray, and Lara Huapaya Rojas.

The project title is “The effects on heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg“. This work was sponsored by Sikorsky.

They confirmed the unexpectedly rapid kinetics of Si clustering and grain growth in additive manufactured materials and identified the optimum condition of heat treatment to produce the combination of high yield strength, high ultimate tensile strength, and high ductility. The optimized mechanical properties are surprisingly similar with those of Al6061-T6. Our data are nearly the state-of-art compared to literatures that have been published in recent 6 years. I really appreciate their great efforts!


(From the left: Seok-Woo, Lara, Beril, and Avery).

Gyuho receives the Outstanding Leadership Award!

Gyuho receives 2019 Outstanding Leadership Award at the 2019 MSE Banquet! Many Congratulations!

Gyuho served as the MRS chapter president for two years (2017, 2018) and made a great contribution to the MSE department. He facilitated various activities for both undergraduate and graduate students. We all appreciate all his excellent leadership!

Gyuho won the second place from the 2019 MSE presentation competition.

Gyuho also became the member of Alpha Sigma Mu.


Seok-Woo receives 2019 UConn Mentorship Excellence Award!

Seok-Woo received 2019 UConn Mentorship Excellence Award from Office of Undergraduate Research (04/12/2019).

This award results from undergraduate research with Hetal Patel (Class of 2019) for the last four years. Hetal has studied deformation mechanisms of superelastic material (CaFe2As2) and single crystal tungsten.

She recently accepted the admission offer from the MSE department at UC Berkeley. She also received the NSF graduate student fellowship and the NDSEG fellowship. Both are very prestigious awards for a prospective PhD student.

I really appreciate all her excellent efforts and wish her a very successful career at UC Berkeley!

Hetal’s award speech is available at the website of Office of Undergraduate Research.

Also, the MSE department news highlighted this news at the MSE department webpage.


Lee group attended the 2019 TMS at San Antonio! (03/10~14, 2019)

Lee group rocked the TMS 2019 at San Antonio, TX on March 10~14, 2019!!!

We gave four technical presentations! Thank you for all your hard works!

  • Seok-Woo:  “Nanomechanical characterization in cryogenic environments” (Invited Talk)
  • Gyuho: “Ultrahigh Elastically Compressible Superconductor, CaKFe4As4
  • Tyler: “Mechanical Characterization of Cold Sprayed Aluminum Alloy Powders Using in-situ Micropillar Compression and Tension
  • Jessica: “Ultra-High Strength Above 10GPa and short-range atomic order of amorphous boron


Tyler and Jessica attended UConn SOE poster competition!

Tyler and Jessica attended the UConn SOE poster competition on 03/15/2019.

Tyler gave a poster presentation entitled “Mechanical Characterization of Cold Sprayed Aluminum Alloy Powders Using in-situ Micropillar Compression and Tension“.

Jessica gave a poster presentation entitled “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Amorphous Boron“.

Thank you for all your hard works!