Tyler’s Au microparticle paper was published at Scripta Materialia!

Tyler’s Au microparticle paper was published at Scripta Materialia! Congratulations!

This work studied the transition of deformation mode (dislocation nucleation vs. single arm source) using microcompression and statistical modeling. Au microparticles were provided by Prof. Eugen Rabkin’s group at Technion, Israel.

Surprisingly, Tyler has two Scripta Mater papers (the first author for both) in the same volume! Awesome!

Tyler J. Flanagan, Oleg Kovalenko, Eugen Rabkin, Seok-Woo Lee, “The effect of defects on strength of gold microparticles,” – Scripta Materialia, 171,  83-86 (2019) [PDF] [web]


Another Scripta one is the following.

Tyler J. Flanagan, Benjamin Bedard, Alex Ernst, Avinash M. Dongare, Seok-Woo Lee, Harold D. Brody, Victor K. Champagne Jr, Mark Aindow, “Mechanical properties of supersonic-impacted Al6061 microparticles,” – Scripta Materialia, 171, 52-56 (2019) [PDF] [web].