Keith won the first place in the 2nd annual micrograph contest, which was run by Keramos UConn Chapter! Congratulations!
Keith won the 3rd place in the annual SOE poster competition!!! (Feb. 25, 2016). This success is also highlighted at the UConn MSE website [“Keith Dusoe shines with metallic alloys poster.”, link].
Many congratulations!!
Gyuho successfully passed his master defense exam on Feb. 22, 2016! Many many congratulations!
The title of this thesis talk was “Study of seal glass for sodium sulfur batter”. This work was done at C2E2 with Dr. Manoj Kumar Mahapatra before joining my group.
During TMS 2016 (Feb 17 and 18), Nashville, TN, Seok-Woo gave two talks.
1. Two different pathways to produce novel Cu-based nanostructured alloys with enhanced strength and ductility (Seok-Woo Lee, Keith Dusoe, Sriram Vijayan, Thomas Bissell, Dale Gouveia, Mark Aindow – all UConn people)
2. Transition of deformation mode in hollow Cu60Zr40 metallic glass nanolattice (Seok-Woo Lee (UConn), David Chen (Caltech), Julia Greer (Caltech))
Also, Seok-Woo chaired the session of themo-mechanical processing in the symposium ultra-fine grained material.